Comments 3
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4 years ago
Jau...die gesamte Wohnung ist echt klasse geworden...und auch gut fotogeeignet; Die Kabel von dem Zeichen stören jedoch - aber notfalls kann man das Ding ja einfach abnehmen, gelle!? ;)
4 years ago
"Why are we not having sex right now?
"Because we just wanna have a great photo-shooting!"
"Indeed, that IS a good reason. For being professional, taking amazing pictures and staying safe during the pandemic with some distance." =)
But the magenta coloured light gives an amazing atmosphere for very nice and sensual pictures.
Some selfies (spontaneous, so no makeup, no retouch) I took before attaching the sign to the wall:

"Why are we not having sex right now?
"Because we just wanna have a great photo-shooting!"
"Indeed, that IS a good reason. For being professional, taking amazing pictures and staying safe during the pandemic with some distance." =)
But the magenta coloured light gives an amazing atmosphere for very nice and sensual pictures.
Some selfies (spontaneous, so no makeup, no retouch) I took before attaching the sign to the wall:

4 years ago
Indeed, that IS a good reason! :D
Indeed, that IS a good reason! :D