This has been done before but is one of my most requested images over the years. PhotoPlus-The Canon Magazine are doing a feature on me and remote shoots so they set up a remote shoot with the editor and a reader and this is one of the shots we took for the article. It is different from the original as we used red gel lighting on a dark red background to acheive the bright red backdrop.

Every shoot is a colloboration, we work together to achieve the best we can, this is the same even for a remote shoot.

Comments 5

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
4 years ago
A fabulous portrait through your fascinating look.
LG Harry
So beautiful!
4 years ago
what a great shot!
4 years ago
Super cool, Blick, Ausdruck und Inszenierung!
Grüße Jörg
4 years ago
Cooles farbenfrohes Foto. Sieht super aus

LG Detlef

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