~ Thank You Anna ~

Comments 16

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joooo halloooo .... das haut echt hin !!
2 years ago
Das Piano...
Und eine total charmante Pianistin...
3 years ago
Klasse Posing!
4 years ago
Great legs! lovely expression.

All the best
#12 You will no longer see this post.
4 years ago
Sehr schöne Idee, da bekommt Paul McCartneys Liedtext – "ebony and ivory they are living in perfect harmony" – eine völlig neue Bedeutung. Beste Grüße, Peter
#10 You will no longer see this post.
Ein Traum von einem Bild ......
absolut klasse gemacht von euch. .....

Fröschliche Grüße
Klasse Aufnahme ! Gefällt mir gut Lg
4 years ago
Wunderbare Erotik stark in Szene gesetzt!
#6 You will no longer see this post.
4 years ago
"From a distant room came a lonely tune, hangs heavy in the air
Sounds of scene where often been of depression and despair
People laughing and joking, drinking and smoking, they are not aware
of the girl or her song as the piano plays on, they don't really care"
(Piano player, Lyrics © ARISTOCRAT MUSIC LTD.)
4 years ago
starke inszenierung
lg ralf
#3 You will no longer see this post.
5 years ago
Starke Komposition....Klasse.....LG Wilfried
5 years ago
Find ich klasse,
VG Peter