Ort: Gelnhausen

#Hexenshooting #Own poetry slam

How many people died from cruelty?
From jealousy? How many from being wise?
How many lost their lives because of ignorance of others?
How many innocent lives.
How many were judged by jerks?
How many condemned by church?
How many for knowing too much.
How many wanted the good?
Gave their best & got the worst.
But kept believing. Tried to smile
And breath away their sorrows.
For knowing they good inside.
For knowing their different glance.
How many were tortured?
How many were burned?
How many were buried alive?
- How many depends on just two words -
- But it carries numbers inside -
- Numbers who lost their valuable lives -
For those who say those times are over.
I hope so much you are right.

Comments 4

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
5 years ago
Danke Dir @JoergP für das Bild! Ich finde es top!

LGb Kristina
5 years ago
Ich liebe diesen speziellen Ausdruck in deinen Augen :-)
5 years ago
das stimmt mit dem Zeitalter.. Vielen Dank für eure Mühe, es war für mich eine Ehre in diese Rolle zu schlüpfen)

LGb Kristina
5 years ago
Ja, Gott sei Dank, dass wir in diesem Zeitalter nicht gelebt haben.
Die Hexerei betraf übrigen nicht nur die Damenwelt, auch Männer waren der Hexerei angeklagt.
Du jedenfalls hast Dich großartig in diese Rolle versetzt, dafür großes Danke.
LG, Rainer

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