Model: Jessica
BeA by Tim Art

I've been losing it again
Barely knowing where I am
And I've been pacing here like every night before
'Cause of you I don't know what to do
Every minute is a week
Broken heart can't get no sleep
I can't hang around this misery no more
'Cause of you I don't know what to do
Yeah, it's true I still walk the streets of you
When I walk the streets of you
The city sleeps but still reminds me
Moving on away from you
I guess it's time, time to break free
I don't look back
No looking back
I think I'm losing it again
I see you sitting there and then
Then you look at me but there's no looking back
'Cause of you I don't know what to do
Yeah, it's true I still walk the streets of you
When I walk the streets of you
The city sleeps but still reminds me
Moving on away from you
I guess it's time, time to break free
I don't look back
No looking back
When I walk the streets of you
The city sleeps, it sleeps with you
So I leave this town behind
Don't look back, my love's not blind
Mm, no looking back
When I walk the streets of you
The city sleeps but still reminds me
Moving on away from you
I guess it's time, time to break free
I don't look back
No looking back

Comments 68

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
Peppiger Style und überzeugende Bildpräsenz.

Aber seit wann lesen Männer solche Texte ?
Supercool im Styling.
LG Michael
5 years ago
mit Liebe zum Detail gestaltet, toll, lg Konrad
5 years ago
Supi & cool!
LG Gerald
Eine sehr schöne Arbeit, Top.
Gruß Peter
[gone] User_11758
5 years ago
Klasse Arbeit.
LG, Hermann
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  • 68Comments