Comments 9
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5 years ago
All my compliments are true! The shooting was a pleasure for me!
It’s normal with your 17 years that you are not ready as a model with hundreds of shootings !
I was very satisfied with the results of our shooting and I am sure
That was not the last one with us!!!
It’s normal with your 17 years that you are not ready as a model with hundreds of shootings !
I was very satisfied with the results of our shooting and I am sure
That was not the last one with us!!!
[gone] Oshun22
5 years ago
During and after the shoot, there were only compliments from you, you kissed my hand and say allways thank you for this wonderful shoot and now I must read this comment ... I´m just wondering about you
5 years ago
Lieber Andreas,
Das Model ist noch blutjung und sehr sehr unerfahren.
Aber bereit zu lernen und dies umzusetzen...
lG Dieter
Das Model ist noch blutjung und sehr sehr unerfahren.
Aber bereit zu lernen und dies umzusetzen...
lG Dieter
5 years ago
ein Model, wie ich es mir vorstelle.
sehr gut in Szene gesetzt.
LG, Andreas
sehr gut in Szene gesetzt.
LG, Andreas
5 years ago
Das hat Charme, wunderschön gemacht von Euch! -- CU Heiko
Ein bezauberndes Mädel, dezent fotografiert!
lg Andreas
lg Andreas
5 years ago
sehr cooler Bildaufbau... and beautiful model
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- 1,213Views
- 9Comments
I would love to have a shooting with you, unfortunately I cannot contact you (as you are still 17) but would love to get a message from you!