Comments 4

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
5 years ago
großartige Bilder.
5 years ago
Hi Vanessa, wie geht's dir? Wenn du kannst schreib mich mal bitte im Privat Chat an. Ich hätte da mal eine Frage an dich. Freue mich bis gleich. Civan
5 years ago
Was für ein wahnsinnig schönes Gesicht!!
Hätte großes Interesse mit Dir zu arbeiten!
lg Thomas
Hello Vanny,
Would like to shoot with you. Your height is very challenging, but also very attractive. I think you should show your height more to your advantage as not every model has your attributes: height, long legs and a very pretty smile.
I live in Heidelberg, which is not far from Mainz.
I am a retired portrait photographer and teacher of photography. I can help you learn to model from the ground up. By the way, I also speak german. It's just easier and faster for me to write in English. If you have trouble with this text and are interested in working with me, just let know and I'll write it German for you.
So long for now.
Francis kelly

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