"It's a series of conspiracies, conflicting agendas and petty jealousies, all building upon, feeding upon, and excreting into an unending web of drek that people wade through every day and call it Life.
If there was one Dark Lord controlling everything and we could drive a magic sword through his heart to free the world, that would be grand. Such clarity! Such focus! Alas. So what's the lesson in all of this? That I did all of it for nothing?
Just the opposite, schmuck.
The lesson is this - the game is rigged.
The cards are stacked. The dice are loaded.
It's the same as it always was. Every cycle. People in power exert power.
Little people cower in their homes, think what they're told to think, and buy whatever product will help them forget how horrible their lives are for another day.
And that's why we don't *play* their fragging game.
We don't swallow their drek sandwich and politely ask for another.
It's why we run the shadows.
That's where real life is, kiddo.
Reality's living in the places no one wants you to see"

- Harlequin, Dead Man's Switch

Photograph & edit: @phoarto
Visa: no instagram/no facebook
Outfit & character concept: myself


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