I am happy to inform you more about the photo event in Sicily

It will be 2 full days of shooting in Palermo, Sicily, under the guidance of Joakim Karlsson http://www.joakim-karlsson.com and with me as model https://www.instagram.com/thejulia/.

I will pose for you with passion, energy and true emotions to give you fantastic photos to bring home. Joakim will teach from his experience and show you everything you need to know to create masterpieces when working on location with available light. You will learn a lot and at the same time get a lot of amazing high quality photos for your portfolio.

There will be shooting and teaching the whole day. Starting in the morning and end late afternoon/evening. We will use middle of the days when the sun is strongest for teaching and post production. This is also the time when you can get my advice and ask me questions about how things are from the models side.
On this weekend we’ll show and teach everything we learned on our travels and from shooting in hard sun and under almost impossible conditions.

Along with my stylist, I almost finished creating my wardrobe. It will be amazing, stylish, but minimal outfits, we will basically shoot my beautiful and tanned skin and implied nude.

Join us for an awesome experience!

Where: Palermo, Sicily, Italy
When: May 19 & 20
Price: 500€/day
Participants: 3-4

I would be happy if you joined us!

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6 years ago
awesome shot julia!
Ein sensationelles Strandbild! Ich bin begeistert!

LG Alf

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