Comments 5

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
6 years ago
Allthough I really do like your nude works I think this is one of the most striking photos of you on your sedcard. I think for this rather 19th century " Julia Margaret Cameron " style image there could not be any better model than you on this picture. In this photo you show a kind of pre raphaelitic innocence but in an alarming gothic way . Such a special quality of you. I do hope we could catch up sometime when you are in NL this summer.
Best regards: Rogier
6 years ago
Fantastisch passend zum Faiertage:)) Glg M
6 years ago
Wow, welch ein Meisterwerk.
Das hat eine angenehme Stimmung und man wird von dem Foto richtig eingefangen. Großartige Fotokunst.
LG Anne
6 years ago
sehr schön und emotional gemacht! LG Rudi
Pure romanticism.
Regards, Harry

Picture Participants 1

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Czech Republic, 110 00 Prague
1,057 kB

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