Война и мир - die Frau im Bild starb Wochen später nach dieser Aufnahme.

Comments 5

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
2 years ago
sebmons https://www.facebook.com/groups/39991807266

Ik hoop dat je het genoegen hebt gehad om daar ook foto's te maken.


2 years ago
Jorg-Muc these location has a 'special' history... i understand the choice...
2 years ago
sebmons That's correct. You read that the count who had the castle torn down recently passed away? So he wasn't very happy (long) with the demolition.
2 years ago
great location...RIP, it was a wonderfull location for photo shoot
[gone] User_276226
6 years ago
was war passiert?

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