???? by Dorothy C From the gallery non latex 3

I have worked quite a few time with water, and always like it. It gives sometimes funny images :)
Thanks Chris. http://www.chris-milla-photography.com/

Comments 6

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7 years ago

[gone] User_46943
7 years ago
I like that. It's real...
7 years ago
it´s an other picture because it is quite different. Water flows, and so is the picture, flowing, dynamic, but also soothing. I like it because it´s no mainstream rather art
7 years ago
it is from a chiense literature ,'Dream of the Red Chamber'. The orgine is also a buddism story. The whole saying is' A rivers with 3000 miles, one only drink a spoon of water.' Buddha told this to an unhappy person, and he means, 'You may encounter a lot of good things in your life, but as long as you save the best in your heart. Then it is enough.'
It may not be relate to the picture.. but I like the story.
And I like this image very much too.
wtf?! i agree with m. - this is really different and what to say... i really like it! a bit insane, a bit magny, straight and all in all really great.
i'm just wondering what '????' means. don't get along with the weak three thousand.
7 years ago
Anders und ich mag es sehr.


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