15th September 2016
West Boylston, MA, USA

Comments 11

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8 years ago
Deal, Jensi, good night!
8 years ago
So this is a must have for our next shooting ;-)
Nice weekend to you!
8 years ago
:) yes it's my lingerie and I loved it so much I bought it in different colors ;) I'll upload a red one now to my studio sedcard, I shot it yesterday.
Cheers and have a wonderful weekend!
8 years ago
Niky I know that you would never cut a pic like this ;-) Is this your own lingerie?
8 years ago
Jensi, that's what happens when the Americans zoom in too much to my chest ;)
But you know that as a model I can't touch the pictures the photographers kindly share with me.

And no worries Gerhard,
8 years ago
The cut in this picture is horrable, but you look amazing ;-)
8 years ago
I ´m very sad that I must cancel our shooting, Nikol you are absolut great !!! regards Gerhard
8 years ago
Great, a fine picture, you look wonderful.
LG Hans-Peter
8 years ago
Thank you, Micha! Have a great day today!
[gone] Michael Heckner
8 years ago
toll Deine Pose und Dein Ausdruck, sehr schöne Aufnahme von Dir mit feiner, erotischer Ausstrahlung

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