THANKS KATE for visiting Vienna again. So we was able to do also our originally planned outdoor shooting just 10 days after our studio shooting forced by bad weather conditions.
This time we had nearly perfect weather conditions and we started our third shooting (within 10 days :-) ) late in the evening before sundown so we were able to use the perfect soft light.
And I was again very impressed by the great performance of the model when doing romantic pictures in nature. She is so perfect when posing in this romantic style and playing with the outfits. Also in and around water the posing was perfect and when viewing the final results I am also impressed by the posing of their hands. That`s just perfect work for romantic style.
And again we had also a lot of fun during the breaks and meanwhile we seems to be a great team (maybe not in translating the menu during lunch :-) ). So this was a really nice and funny shooting day which I will remember for a long time (also because the picture selection will take some time :-) ) Finally I hope Kate will come back to Vienna some when in the future and we are able to do a lot of additional shootings as we have already some nice ideas.
Hug & Kiss Monty.

Date: July 2016
Location: Outdoor
Model: Kate Snig
Hair & Make-up: Kate Snig
Outfit: Kate Snig

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8 years ago
Schönheit und Anmut mal drei.
8 years ago
Schöne, gefühlvolle Posen!
Feine Serie

lg Klaus

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