Model: the awesome... Leonie
Dress: zitronenroellchen custom latex wear - made in Darmstadt with love! (Dress is called: fresh summer)
MUA: the wonderful Elli
Setbuilder and helping hand: Peter 'Chuck' Kaftan
Concept, Idea, blablabla: me, myself and I

Titel, weil es in LANG NICHT PASST!!!!
Swinging in the green wih pink balloons in the dress called 'Fresh Summer'

Comments 5

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
8 years ago
Coole Serie, gefällt mir sehr!
LG Mirjam
8 years ago
Muchas gracias, meine Liebe!
Totally in love mit dem Set
8 years ago
Vielen Dank!
8 years ago
Das sieht so geil aus.