Comments 5
You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
7 years ago
Sehr schöne Aufnahme und toller Anblick.
LG Thomas
LG Thomas
7 years ago
ein spannendes Portrait einen spannenden Frau! Klasse gemacht!
LG - Eddy.
LG - Eddy.
[gone] IsaArt
7 years ago
For me it`s very positiv......!!!!
I like the drama in the hands, feeling the strength all through her fingers and her keen eyes.......who catch the one looking at her....
maybe the body is a little to dark......
Greetings Isabel
I like the drama in the hands, feeling the strength all through her fingers and her keen eyes.......who catch the one looking at her....
maybe the body is a little to dark......
Greetings Isabel
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- 990Views
- 5Comments
LG Gert