Oh Paula, thanks a lot for our second shooting in year 2015 and our absolute first shooting in Czech Republic ? . This shooting was also our 12th shooting meanwhile. Therefore also thanks for making it a round dozen of shootings with perfect body and great poses and also a lot of fun and excellent pictures! I am still after years fascinated by your smile and motivations although the shooting started really early in the morning. It was too cold to go into the lake, but such a model like you need no spectacular scenes for making good pictures. Sometimes a tree, a wall or a window is just enough for such a beautiful girl. Finally it was again a perfect shooting with a perfect model and I am really looking forward to our 13th shooting :-)
See you again in Vienna or Czech Republic (hopefully soon) - Hug & Kiss Monty

Date: July 2015
Location: Outdoor
Model: Guenuche
Hair & Make-up: Guenuche
Outfit: Guenuche


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