THANK YOU VERY MUCH for this funny and great shooting in Vienna with one of my absolute favourite model.
Paula, why takes it more than 9 month to shoot together again? :-)
9 month is really a long time, but I am very happy the outdoor season is starting again now.
This was meanwhile our 8th shooting and our first one in 2014.
2013 we did 4 shootings, so we should try to beat this 2014 :-) ?
Hopefully we will meet us again in Prague or in Vienna very soon for our 9th Shooting. Thanks again for the nice and funny shooting day.
Kiss - Monty

Date: April 2014
Location: Outdoor
Model: Guenuche
Hair & Make-up: Guenuche
Outfit: Guenuche

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Super! Licht, Modell, Perspektive, einfach großartig!
LG Heinz
was für eine fantastische Aufnahme!
sieht echt großartig aus!
habt ihr toll gemacht!
glG, Claudia

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