It doesnt' hurt me.
Do you want to feel how it feels?
Do you want to know that it doesn't hurt me?
Do you want to hear about the deal that Im making?
You, it's you and me.

And if I only could
Make a deal with God
Get him to swap our places
Be running up that road
Be running up that hill
With no problems...

Haare, Make-Up, Styling: Insomnia
Foto & Bearbeitung: pixoom

Comments 5

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
klasse Inszenierung, gefällt mir sehr gut
LG Marco
absolut genial - mein neues lieblingsbild auf deiner tollen SC! :)

lg voXen
Schön, wie Deine Haare richtig leuchten!
Viele Grüße!
Finde ich gut mit dem Haar und der weichen Zeichnung im Bild! LG roland
[gone] W-d-L
Tolles Foto!

Picture Participants 1

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