Mal wieder ein wenig Selbstfotografie...

I'm not of this world
You're not in this heart
This isn't in me

To open this box
You can't shoot the lock
I hide everything
So you can't see

Wanna fight?
Wanna fuck?
Wanna die?
Try your luck...
Lay down your goddamn arms

There isn't a key,
You can use on me
There isn't a key,
So lay down your arms

You're a book
Every page is written
In words
I cannot read
So I burn
Gotta burn
Gotta burn
Gotta burn it

[Marilyn Manson]

Comments 3

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
catchy, classy and sooo sticky ... top * * *
regards enrico
Würde ich sofort als riesigen Druck an die Wand hängen!
[gone] photostyle-schwarzer
Das mag ich total!!!!

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