Thank you so much for our third Shooting.

I am still fascinated by the emotions you shown during this first shooting day and I was very happy you agreed to perform again a a sunset-shooting after your arrival at Vienna.
We was able to do a lot of nice pictures during this shooting.
Thanks for this and I really hope we will meet us soon again in Vienna or in Prague to spend some nice and funny time together and make some great pictures.
Kiss - Monty.

Date: August 2013
Location: Outdoor
Model: Svetluska
Hair & Make-up: Svetluska
Outfit: Svetluska

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Schöne Farben, toller Bildaufbau und Schärfeverlauf.
Gefällt mir sehr gut!
Gefällt mir sehr gut. Schöne lichtstimmung.
Gruß Michael

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