Through these eyes I've seen love and I've seen hate
I've seen the violence and the tears
Through these eyes, I got my schooling on the streets
I've seen the things in life you don't wanna see
Through these eyes I've seen the shape of things to come
and I've watched them all fall apart
Through these eyes I've seen the broken homes they cry
I've seen the poor man's face as he stands in line

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Hüpsch und Crazy > Genau mein Ding in Sachen "Shooting" Kreativität, ... lg. jüko
Sehr cooles Bild und eine tolle SC! LG André
haut mich grad fast vom pferd - was für ein blick! top make up und fotoquali!
lg martin
Tolles Foto von dir! So wie alle Fotos hier! Du hast ne SUUUUPER Setcard! :)

lg Fabian
[gone] Ponzi
Der Blick ist echt klasse!

herrlich, die perspektive
und der ausdruck

lg joe
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