HASSELBLAD winner "Photographer of the month"
Rebel Bride - Beyond Burlesque

This Image belongs to the photographer,
Grant Davis T/A Grant - Ibtasama Masruuq and should not be copied or used without the photographers permission.

Styling & Concept: Grant - Ibtasama Masruuq

Model: Catalina Magee
MuA: Chyla Camacho
Lighting and Assistance: Mark Benson of Photographic Assignments Ltd.
Garments: Belinda Chorley - Beyond Burlesque
Ankle Boots: Vivienne Westwood.

Comments 1

You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
wie großartig... herzlichen glückwunsch zu diesem erfolg :)

das motiv ist wunderbar, sehr zart bist du hier in szene gesetzt, fast puppenhaft, und die tolle location rockt gewaltig :)

lieben gruß,

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