Pavlina, thanks a lot for this amazing shooting.
This was meanwhile our third shooting and we are still able to top our previous (also fantastic) shootings because we are a brilliant team (from my point of view) and you are such a nice and funny girl and an absolut professional model.
We had so much fun again and I really love your smile and your laugh ;-). So thanks a lot for this excellent shooting.
Hopefully we will meet us soon and have also a lot of such funny and perfect shootings in the future.
Kiss Manfred

Date: September 2012
Location: Outdoor
Model: Guenuche
Hair & Make-up: Guenuche
Outfit: Guenuche

... also as XXL version available

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You may only use this function if you have one active sedcard.
ein bildhübsches modell!!!
klasse, mit dr kamera eingefangen...
lg rabikatze

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