Pavlina, thanks a lot for this fantastic shooting, because you are such a nice, funny and professional model. We had so much fun and I really love your smile and your laugh ;-).
So thanks a lot for this excellent shooting.
Hopefully we will meet us soon and have also a lot of such funny and perfect shootings. Kiss Manfred

Date: July 2012
Location: Outdoor
Model: Guenuche
Hair & Make-up: Guenuche
Outfit: Guenuche

... also as XXL version available

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[gone] *Sky Blue*
Diese Serie ist ganz einfach ein Hammer !! So coole Posen, sehr hübsches Outfit und ein super hübsches und ausdruckstarkes Model ! Die Location finde ich auch genial !! Alles zusammen perfekt von euch gemcht !

glg Michela

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