Model, Visa & Bea:
Photo: Carsten Korwes

Comments 9

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[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago
Since you asked in your status line for honest criticism, here you have it. Most of your pictures in your sedcard are super! I can't give any point how it could be better, so I thought I take the 'worst' picture from your sedcard and give my comments to that one.

First of all : There is to little 'you' in the picture. Most of the other pictures show your character -or your pretended character-, on this picture even your face hardly can be seen. The whole pictures lacks the tension all your other pictures have. Personally if I would have made such a picture I would have tried at least to make the sky a bit more dramatic... now it looks like burned out blue and wide mixhing with burned out whites from your dress...

The idea is nice, but the sky didn't cooperate to make this picture more than a costumed snapshot.
[gone] User_208319
und wo ist der bräutigam? ;-)
traumhaft schön! sehr elegant und wunderschönes kleid!
[gone] Buschteufel
Total toll
aber auf einem schwarzen Pferd währe es besser gewesen ;)
Klasse Idee und Umsetzung!

LG. Thara
das ist ja toll geworden und ein wundervolles Kleid !!!
Herrlich absurd!

Giorgio Zambelli
[gone] Tekila Lybov
wow ein sehr tolles Bild von dir! Finde es großartig!

LG Lida
Wunderschönes Bild. ;)