Comments 7
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RPJ - Photography
Wilde Idee. Super schöner Ausdruck.
das ist krass gut..glg conny
[gone] Wilko - NL - New job posted - Vampire wanted!
Very nice picture but every real archer will see immediately that you and the photographer have no knowledge about archery... you have the glove on the hand holding the string, not on the hand holding the bow (you can have a glove too, but a complete other kind of glove, the glove you have hear, is for pulling ;)).
It's a pity, because otherwise the picture is great
It's a pity, because otherwise the picture is great
Erstklassige Aufnahme von dir mit toller Dynamik ... gefält mir sehr gut.
lg Manfred
lg Manfred
eine klasse aufnahme ! super gemacht!
starker auftritt
lg mara
starker auftritt
lg mara