Silky, Naddy und Yao.

by Anandarupa · 9 Photos

*Silky*: Not a girl, a woman. In sync with herself, her naturalness most extraordinarily pronounced. Easy to be with, attentive, durable, creative. And blessed with a beautiful body. Expressive facials, excellent posing. In one word: wonderful ! *Naddy*: She is as energetic as hell and carries herself with power and passion. Fully engaged and very creative. A pleasure to work with. *Yao*: Being of Ukrainian-Indian decent, Yao has a most intriging approach to modeling. She certainly is one of the most natural yet at the same time professional models I‘ve met. Authenticity down to bones and pores, always fully into it. Dynamic yet patient if needed. Crazy array of poses, creative af. Durable, easy going, a pleasure to be with. Her naturalness is unblemished and honest - I feel blessed to have had her in front of my Nikon.

Photos 9