from 01.09.2024 till 01.10.2024

Nude model in Berlin

Category: Pay (user expects to be paid)

10965 Berlin


Hi there!

I am Sophie la Sage, portrait and artistic nude model.
I am opened for modeling jobs in Berlin in September.
To book me for a shooting write me here or in instagram: @sophielasage_official


1 month ago
Instagram doesn‘t work because you can only send one message but you don‘t read it.
1 year ago
Hello Sophie. Do you have time at 16.01.2023? Shooting two hours 3pm to 5pm? Portrait with red lips. Nails red, if possible? Lingerie, your red body is beautiful. Toppless and nude. You have beautiful photos. I have an office with photo wall on the outskirts of Berlin Köpenick. I am looking forward to your message. Greetings m.
2 years ago
Very nice photos. Greetings from Berlin m.

Announced by


Shooting categories

  • Lifestyle
  • Fashion
  • Swimwear
  • Covered semi-nude
  • Covered nude
  • Portrait
  • Beauty
  • Underwear
  • Topless
  • Nude

Searched sedcards

PhotographerModel agency
Photo studio


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