Digital to film... ? 11

[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago
Does anybody know if there are possibities to reverse engineer digital images ? What I mean is that I recently re-started the wet-side of my hobby (darkroom) and would like to print some pictures I made digitally on barite paper. Only... I need a negative for it...

Of course I can print it first on paper, then photograph it with an analog camera... but that is a loss of contrast and sharpness... So I am curious if there is a way (as a service or as equipment) to 'get' digital images on old fashioned 35mm
9 years ago
There are labs that print images for 35mm slides, but I'd wager the quality won't be too god when enlarged.
[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago
Thanks Nick, 
It is worth the try... I tried to find such lab, but could not find it in the Netherands... do you know a German lab doing this ? 

Best regards
9 years ago
Well, you culd do it the "clasic" way: Print out your digital photos, and then photograph them again (but analog) :-)
[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago
@UT, that is of course also an option, but there always will be a loss of contrast and detail that way...

However by PM I already got a possible solution and I'll try it out. If it is satisfactionary I'll report it in this thread.

Thanks all for feedback
9 years ago
Hallo Wilko

Als erstes bitte ich um Entschuldigung, dass ich in deutscher Sprache schreibe. Mein schriftliches Englisch ist zu schlecht.

Eine Möglichkeit ist, die digitalen Dateien als Negativ auf transparente Folien auszudrucken. Diese gibt es von verschiedenen Herstellern für den Inkjet- Druck. Diese Prints kannst Du auf die gewünschte Grösse ausdrucken und im Kontaktkopierverfahren auf Silbergelatine- Papiere auf herkömmliche Weise in der Dunkelkammer ausarbeiten. Mit den Suchbegriffen "Inkjet Negatives Film" findest Du im Internet viele Informatione zu diesem Verfahren.

Beste Grüsse, stephan
[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago
@Stephan : Another suggestion worth to try out. Thanks!
9 years ago
The german word for that would be "Ausbelichtung" and it can be done by a "Fachlabor".
9 years ago
Another search term would be "Diabelichtung".

Some providers can even record on medium format or largeformat films.

I you want to do it by yourself, google for "Polaroid Palette" and get an old PC ;-)

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