Best and worst picture in my sedcard... 5

[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago
I would like some honest constructive feedback... and if you would like to take the time to look at my sedcard I would love to hear what is according you my best and my worst picture... and why. If you appriciate it, I would return the same favor to you!

Please do not mention my own picture as the worst one :P
9 years ago
my personal feeling:
best: its a classic nude, well done
worst: the negative vignette is only for compensation of a real vignette, the background could be blurred out an there is a lamp stand or something on the right side....

now I am waiting for your favor back..;-)
9 years ago

lighting ist good, posing is good, nothing upsets the image


looks like snapshot, the expression of the model ist not very nice, there is a lot of noise 
[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago
@Thoso: Thanks. And about the worst... you're right about the lampstand... I missed that one :D...

Your best :

Simply because the shape is intriguing, the lighting is done very well and it is an original way to depicture a nude...

The worst
There is nothing wrong with the technical side of the picture, but she has an expression as if you just had a fight with her... angry or disinterested, don't know how to call it. Watching the model her profile I saw, she can do better.
[gone] Wilko NL - Vintage shoots
9 years ago

The worst :

It misses any direction to lead the eye to... it is chaotical and the Depth of Focus looks rather random.

The best:

Visually very attractive and further it just looks ok on every level.

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