Indecent proposals from photographers 11
5 years ago
What you describe is disrepectful and definetly not acceptable. I hope that you and all the other models who had to experience such a conversation report this people.
5 years ago
I'm far from offended by your text here, it's more that I'm offende by this one photographer, since he ruins the business for the rest of us.
My advice is, please send the conversation to one of the officials here and the will taking care of. Post the name of this special individuals will not get you anywhere, but hitting the "melden" Button in the lower left corner of the conversation should solve the problem quickly.
My advice is, please send the conversation to one of the officials here and the will taking care of. Post the name of this special individuals will not get you anywhere, but hitting the "melden" Button in the lower left corner of the conversation should solve the problem quickly.
[gone] User_371389
5 years ago
I have to agree with Michael that these alleged photographers ruin those who do this professionally, even if they are amateurs. These guys don't belong here. So report to them to have the basis withdrawn. Sorry for my English.
5 years ago
dear virginia, you are right to name this here
not only white sheeps here, as in real life
some are good, some are bad
you have to be careful looking for the right fotographer
not only white sheeps here, as in real life
some are good, some are bad
you have to be careful looking for the right fotographer
[gone] User_429277
5 years ago
Hi Virginia,
Many of us photographers are also bothered by this type of behaviour. It degrades the reputation of everyone and raises suspicion against us all.
Please do stand up against it! I highly encourage you to both report this behaviour to the moderators here but also to the police, immediately when/after the situation occurs. It is illegal behaviour in the context of sexual harassment/predation. I don't know the specific legal issues in Germany, however I'm fairly certain pressuring someone into prostitution is. And that is exactly what this is.
Not to take away from your topic, we also have the situation here where models offer to do hard core shoots with the photographer for a higher fee.
So please continue to be strong and take action. I don't want to be in the situation of having to constantly worry about being misconstrued by being friendly during a shoot, so the best course is to be very clear in our language and actions!
Many of us photographers are also bothered by this type of behaviour. It degrades the reputation of everyone and raises suspicion against us all.
Please do stand up against it! I highly encourage you to both report this behaviour to the moderators here but also to the police, immediately when/after the situation occurs. It is illegal behaviour in the context of sexual harassment/predation. I don't know the specific legal issues in Germany, however I'm fairly certain pressuring someone into prostitution is. And that is exactly what this is.
Not to take away from your topic, we also have the situation here where models offer to do hard core shoots with the photographer for a higher fee.
So please continue to be strong and take action. I don't want to be in the situation of having to constantly worry about being misconstrued by being friendly during a shoot, so the best course is to be very clear in our language and actions!
Not that I would approve it, but certainly there are models offering this kind of services. Otherwise photographers wouldn't ask for it, would they?
5 years ago
@bazi, you base your conclusion on "certainly", not that you encountered on such models or your fellow photographers told you about such experiences. Your logic is "if there is demand, it is surely driven by offer". Well, it might work in the case of cable TV operator promoting new services and people buying it when it has become available... Would you say that men send photos of their intimate parts to random girls on Facebook when girls on FB started sending their intimate parts photos to random men there?
Others, thank you for your support.
Others, thank you for your support.
5 years ago
Dear Virginia,
if you have the conversation through this site stored please report this behaviour to the administrators here. They might ask you to share the conversation and will take action.
We must not tolerate this in any regards.
if you have the conversation through this site stored please report this behaviour to the administrators here. They might ask you to share the conversation and will take action.
We must not tolerate this in any regards.
[gone] User_429277
5 years ago
@Bazi & @Virginia,
This issue is not whether or not "services" are looked for or offered or which is the chicken and which the egg. The issue is demonstrating respect for another person! And clearly, in Virginia's case she was neither offering nor interested in being propositioned and made that clear to the other party. I don't know her, but I assume she is ok with others doing whatever the hell they want. Her issue is that this person what clearly being disrespectful to the point of making her feel extremely uncomfortable and unsafe. And THAT is the problem. Had he just said, "Hey, wanna F__K?" and she said no and that was the end of it, I assume she'd simply write the guy off as an ass and move on. But that is not what happened. And that is why we should be encouraging her to report him. Simply writing it off as "hey, whatever others want to do." is not appropriate in this case.
@Virgina, your reporting him or taking other action will not eliminate this kind of behaviour. However, it will make you feel stronger and a lot more confident in handling it if it ever happens again. And that's important!
This issue is not whether or not "services" are looked for or offered or which is the chicken and which the egg. The issue is demonstrating respect for another person! And clearly, in Virginia's case she was neither offering nor interested in being propositioned and made that clear to the other party. I don't know her, but I assume she is ok with others doing whatever the hell they want. Her issue is that this person what clearly being disrespectful to the point of making her feel extremely uncomfortable and unsafe. And THAT is the problem. Had he just said, "Hey, wanna F__K?" and she said no and that was the end of it, I assume she'd simply write the guy off as an ass and move on. But that is not what happened. And that is why we should be encouraging her to report him. Simply writing it off as "hey, whatever others want to do." is not appropriate in this case.
@Virgina, your reporting him or taking other action will not eliminate this kind of behaviour. However, it will make you feel stronger and a lot more confident in handling it if it ever happens again. And that's important!
Topic has been closed
Namely, one of three conversations related to cooperation ends in other party asking me about how far I would go in posing, like being intimate with the photographer, do I have something against “golden shower” and similar.
Dear photographers, being a nude model doesn’t mean that we are prostitutes. For example, I know that FKK movement is widely spread in Germany, would you immediately consider a woman attending a nude beach as “easier to get”?
I hope that decent professionals here will not be offended, since this doesn’t relate to them, and that some of the models will engage in this conversation with their experiences.