from 12.10.2024 till 13.10.2024

Fetish workshop in Berlin by Yves Kortum

Category: Workshop - photo shooting

Location: 10555 Berlin


with veronica BerryVerri
as your Domina for a day

Day shoot 12.10.2024 from 15.00 til 18:00
break 90 minutes
Nighshoot 19:30 til 22:30
Daylight: Learn how to shoot on location, being creative see things others don't see and make stunning images
Hopefully we can shoot in hard sunlight to create images with great shadows and highlights.

Nightshoot: Learn how to use flashlight and available light on a night shoot.
Learn how to manipulate it and find a harmony in between both.
Create stunning colored or B&W photos
We start at 20:30 with showing you how to proceed, and with sunset we start to shoot
Model-Domina Veronica FetishStyling from international Designers,
Color and Black&white hot Fashion

Maximum 6 photographers per Masterclass
Masterclass held in 4 languages, french, english, german, luxemburgish

Daylight 13.10.2024 from 15.00 til 18:00
break 90 minutes
Nighshoot 19:30 til 22:30

The same program like the first day


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