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Ich bin Jan und wohne in Bruessel - bin urspruenglich aus HH und immer mal wieder dort... Ich shoote in der Regel rundum Brüssel, Antwerpen, Amsterdam - manchmal Koeln, Duesseldorf und Hamburg.
--------> meine webseite... *click mich* ---->
Fotografie ist mein Hobby... und die Zeit dafür viel zu knapp. Shootings, TFPs, Antworten nur in begründeten Ausnahmefällen - aber ich gebe mir Mühe :-)
hier ein kleines Interview: [FRAMED] Show
"When they asked me - as I am such a film and darkroom man - if I could do digital, I said; 'That's like asking a masterchef if he can use a microwave..."
(Autor unbekannt...)
"For me, digital is too immediate and cultivates an afterthought approach to working. A lot of the instinct, vision and intuitiveness are stripped away with automation and instant feedback from the lcd. SLR’s, zoom lenses and all things digital provide infinite possibilities, but sometimes the raw vision in your head a simple mechanical click prove to be more powerful."
Habe jetzt auch einen BLOG *click mich* Actitudes Magazine - Spanien
Fine Art Photo - Deutschland
Photographer's Companion - China
Gazelle Magazin - Deutschland
Kismet Magazine - UK
Design Hotels Magazine
Stern View Magazine
[FRAMED] Magazine, USA
PHMag, Canadaein ausdrucksstarkes/interessantes Gesicht
- 48hResponse Time
- 87,881Visitors
- Residence
1000 Bruessel
- Works withWomen & men
- Spoken languages
- Websitehttp://www.micmojo.com
Shooting categories
- Portrait
- Lifestyle
- Lingerie
- Nude
- Weddings
- Television
- Dance
- Promotion
- Fashion
- Swimwear
- Topless
- Fetish
- Bodypainting
- Theater
- Catwalk
Photos 30
Still not seen enough? More photos are available in the galleries: Show